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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

monday wednesday friday! these 3 days means gym, gym and gym! ohh.. my whole body is aching like hell! hahaha but i love it! gonna persevere! woots! hardwork do pay off! hahaha no pain no gain!

after gym went to friends house to slack. played wii-fii! so damn cute! hahaha played tennis and boxing game! ohh sweat sweat sweat! hahaha. i think i play till too violent. lol. really had great time! after all the fun times, its time for us to have our dinner. went to a nearby food centre at eunos. we ordered lots of food. roti john, rojak, fish and chips, hor fun, etc. loll expensive though but its nice.

ahhhhhhh sunday is my sports camp! cant wait you know! lolol sports camp! here i come!!

+KenDriK+ updated @ 8:51 AM


Saturday, March 8, 2008

today many things happened. firstly is more of personal stuffs. she told me what she felt. and i didn't know im such a disappointment to her. her impression of me is like to hang out, have fun, reach home late or even dawn? and am i even addicted to alcohol?! ha so this is what im to her. maybe the have fun and like to hang out i cant deny though because im a outgoing person. i do like to have fun but not till that extend. so i didn't really understand which until extend she is talking about. but like to reach home late or even dawn, and addicted to alcohol? i dont know what expression i should make too. its just absurd to me? well and many many things. dont wanna name out one by one. i guess proving it is the only way now? hmmmm..

and today went to my granny's place. buffet is just awesome!!! crayfish, curry, fried sotong, and many many more. its so tasty and delicious. drooling. :D some of my cousins didn't come due to clash schedule? well but we do have fun though. we played majong and that table is called "the NEWBIES!" hahaha because we just started playing not long ago. maybe the titles know us? but we dont know them. hahaha just like they are stranger to us. hmmm must have some relationship between them then we can play well. hahahah okay just joking.

okay thats my day though. a mixture of happy and sad? but now after i got home, i feel sad. because the sad issue started in front of my com? hahaha well time is everything to prove.

just wait and see!!!

+KenDriK+ updated @ 9:01 AM


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

today went to newton to have some splendid dinner. how about some samba stingray, samba squid, samba kang kong and samba tiger prawn? hahaha i know this meal is kinda hot and spicy yea! but its damn nice!!

its just phenomenon for me to have flu while eating spicy stuffs. so im like "sniff, sniff, sniff" while eating. kinda irritating though. hhahaha but its really nice. the tiger prawn is like as big as crayfish? omg! the flesh is so so tender and juicy! awwww. droool. lol. really love eating that dish. just simply awesome!! the rest is just normal to me. just like those in normal kopitiams. well... but its still worth it!! kekeke!

samba chilli meal!! :D

+KenDriK+ updated @ 7:51 AM


Saturday, March 1, 2008

oh yes im back blogging again! because of "someone"'s inspiration. kekeke.

went sentosa yesterday! sadly to say it was raining in the morning! oh gosh! but luckily our plan did not crash and we still continue to go sentosa. waiting for ppl to arrive at vivo for like 2 hours! argh. so damn long but its okay uh. chit chatting with each other while waiting for ppl to arrive.

its so cooling in sentosa. not sunny at all. but we didn't care. when we started playing, there was a group of boys wanted to play with us so we challenge their team. their team was good but so do us. hahaha. afterall we won. WHEE. we went to swim alittle bit after the soccer match. we collecting lots of seaweed in the sea and decided to throw at one of my friends. eeee the feeling being throw at is very disgusting!! yucks. hahaha. laughing our way out. coool.

right after swimming we played rugby. reshuffle teams with the group of boys and us. so its fair? hahaha yea. and many ppl got injured including me. omg pain pain pain! until today my body is still in pain. injured many parts of my body. hahaha

we had great great fun! :D except for the injury part. kekeke!!

+KenDriK+ updated @ 10:06 PM


Friday, November 16, 2007

WOOOTS PEEPS! hahaha o lvls had passed by! cool uh! i've been finding work and playing all these days. awww man! yesterday my bros and me went to SPICE to lepak(=slack and chill out). we share our deepest secrets with each other. feeel so damn close just like one happy family! =D we ate and drank our hearts out. but when the bill came, its 55bucks altogether. its so ex! but we found out that they added 2 items wrongly and the final cost is 48 bucks! hahaha still expensive though but we having lots of fun! =)) we went home around like 1130. we were so damn penat(=tired) especially ME! we plan for today's outing. we plan to jog to rp to play soccer. today is just like athlete day man. love it though. hehe. alright im going off now. takee care peeeeps!

+KenDriK+ updated @ 8:52 PM


Thursday, October 25, 2007

yes uh finally o lvls had started! everyone seems to be like mugging all day. tired core man. chem and geog had finished. i guess i screw up chem? nevermind just do well for my physics. A1 for my physics!!!!! hahaha. geog i guess i've got no problem with it. able to do all questions. studied development in the last min and it came out! all factors were so fresh in my brain. just squeeze everything out from my brain. lol. coool uh! next monday will be english and math paper1. gonna mug for math for at least 2 days. ahhhh. alright alright. o lvls sucks anyway. so tiring and stressing. after the last paper, we gonna rock the world! =)

to my brothers, lets do well and party all night after o lvls! got link okay! take care my bros! lets bleed it out!

+KenDriK+ updated @ 8:49 PM


hey dne! hmm must believe me. i'll prove to you what i said is true.

love is so blind that i cannot see the time flying pass by me. because you are here.

+KenDriK+ updated @ 2:19 AM



Turning 18

Likes- Black!
Dull colours!
Branded stuffs!
My brothers!
Cassy.(for helping me edit)

Hates- Hate backstabbers.
Hate friends who don't respect friends.


jiahao(the killers)!
nicholas KANG!

June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
March 2008
